If countries are committed
to achieving the sustainable development goals,
to advancing social justice and addressing inequality,
they can change these trends and they can do that through
specific policies designed to promote greater equality
and a greater labour income share,
Actions we know those work to address inequalities
freedom of association and the effective recognition of
collective bargaining so that workers and employers can negotiate
how to share those productivity gains that Steven just addressed
so that the policies in place for
minimum wages and the right to freedom of association
and collective bargaining and all of these other things,
those laws are effectively implemented,
they're effectively enforced
and they really set guard rails around
labour markets so that workers can share fairly
from the gains that they are helping to create.
Our new report shows that there has been a
long-term global decline in the labour income share.
occurred during the 3 years of the COVID-19.
the latest data show that the world is also off track regarding the goal to reduce
In terms of revenue for employees that
uh robust methodology for that.
If you have a higher share,
a very high share of self-employment.
Global labour income share,
which is the proportion of total global income that goes to workers,
and this means that even as workers contribute
to a growing global economy,
a smaller share of that growth.
This needs to be changed because it's increasing inequality
which will have a disproportionate effect